ATTENTION Texarkana weight loss sufferers: The TOP THREE BIGGEST LIES About Weight Loss

YOU are facing in the Year 2019 
(whether you know it OR not)...

Yes I know, it is almost a new year and because January 2019 is here, I feel logically and emotionally compelled to divulge the top three (and there are a total of seven – go to “biggest lies about weight loss” that will sabotage weight loss sufferers every single year. And I know what you’re thinking.

What’s in it for me? Quite truthfully, it makes me nauseous and very irritated to see so many people waste so much time and effort and beat themselves up emotionally because they are almost GUARANTEED to fail without discovering these three biggest lies that have been perpetuated year after year by one doctor, nutritionist, physical trainer after another. The BS must stop. So HERE is LIE #1

1. I’ll exercise more (to lose weight)…
Weight loss sufferers are likely to fall victim to the countless advertisements for exercise. And don’t get me wrong, there is a proper role for exercise. But if you get one thing right, exercise will be the best additive component to losing fat and maintaining it. So, do this first, before you start your exercise program and your weight loss will explode. (Go to page 18 once you register at

Miserable and very little to show for it!


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